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O’Shea Builders is a leading commercial construction-services provider in Illinois with offices in Springfield and Peoria. Founded in 1902, we provide General Contracting, Construction Management, Design Build, Civil and Building Maintenance services.
Supported by over a century of satisfied clients, lasting partnerships and projects that help make a positive difference in our communities, O’Shea Builders has established a reputation for excellence, performance and integrity. From pre-construction to post-construction and everything in between, there’s a purpose to every plan we submit, every project we complete and everything we do. We are committed problem solvers who bring innovative solutions to every obstacle we are confronted with - sometimes before they arise. It is our vision to enhance every opportunity for our clients, our people and the communities we serve.
Phone Number
3401 Constitution Dr.

The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office is dedicated to protecting the state’s portfolio, ensuring the liquidity of all investments, and consistently producing earnings at or above industry standards. Our investment decisions promote education, access, and opportunity for individuals and governmental bodies across our state to give families the tools to achieve the American Dream. The Treasurer’s Office is committed to fulfilling this mission in a highly professional and ethical manner, while striving for transparency, efficiency, and preservation of public trust.
Michael Frerichs (pronounced FREH-ricks) was first elected Illinois State Treasurer in November 4, 2014 and re-elected on November 6, 2018. In Illinois, the Treasurer’s office predates the state’s incorporation in 1818. Voters in 1848 chose to make it an elected office. Frerichs is the 74th person to serve in this role.
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